I first ran 3 miles
Day #3:
12 sets of 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
1. (pushups with opposite arm/leg raises between) Superman Push-ups (12)
2. Feet elevated Push-up’s & L&R knee to elbow touch with the Swiss Ball (12, no ball)
3. Squat & Press with the Pink Sandbag (19)
4. Clean & Press + Jump Forward + 3 x Squat Jumps (4)
5. (More push ups) Reverse Pull-Ups on Dip Station (pull ups 23)
6. Side Jump Burpee (to side plank) + 2 knee to elbow Oblique Abs + Tuck Jump Center (Alternate Sides) (5 sets)
7. Forward Lunge + Side Lunge + Knee Lift. (Alternate Legs) with the Pink Sandbag (6 sets)
8. (push up, press up/squat jump, sumo knee touches, knee wide to elbow) Ugi Ball Push-up & Burpee + Sumo L&R Knee Touch. (6 sets)
9. (Dip off chair and knee to chest) Tricep Dip + Kickout V Abs with the Dip Station (chair dips knee to chest 15)
10. (sit ups with weights over head) Overhead Abs with the Pink Sandbag (15)
11. (squats/tuck jumps) Sandbag Shoulder Lift + Squat + Switch Shoulder Press with the Pink Sandbag (23 squat/tuck jumps)
12. Speed Run (done)
3 rounds, 15 reps (2 rounds = 15:25.6)
1. Squat position, hands in front, press up/kick feet out at same time
2. Lunge W/lateral lift (both sides)
3. Swing weight from foot to opp. Shoulder + 2 squats
4. Lunge with single arm press