Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fit Day #4

I first ran 3 miles

Day #3:

12 sets of 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

1. (pushups with opposite arm/leg raises between) Superman Push-ups (12)

2. Feet elevated Push-up’s & L&R knee to elbow touch with the Swiss Ball (12, no ball)

3. Squat & Press with the Pink Sandbag (19)

4. Clean & Press + Jump Forward + 3 x Squat Jumps (4)

5. (More push ups) Reverse Pull-Ups on Dip Station (pull ups 23)

6. Side Jump Burpee (to side plank) + 2 knee to elbow Oblique Abs + Tuck Jump Center (Alternate Sides) (5 sets)

7. Forward Lunge + Side Lunge + Knee Lift. (Alternate Legs) with the Pink Sandbag (6 sets)

8. (push up, press up/squat jump, sumo knee touches, knee wide to elbow) Ugi Ball Push-up & Burpee + Sumo L&R Knee Touch. (6 sets)

9. (Dip off chair and knee to chest) Tricep Dip + Kickout V Abs with the Dip Station (chair dips knee to chest 15)

10. (sit ups with weights over head) Overhead Abs with the Pink Sandbag (15)

11. (squats/tuck jumps) Sandbag Shoulder Lift + Squat + Switch Shoulder Press with the Pink Sandbag (23 squat/tuck jumps)

12. Speed Run (done)


3 rounds, 15 reps (2 rounds = 15:25.6)

1. Squat position, hands in front, press up/kick feet out at same time

2. Lunge W/lateral lift (both sides)

3. Swing weight from foot to opp. Shoulder + 2 squats

4. Lunge with single arm press


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