Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

It's been a while!

Life has been exceedingly crazy.

I'm finally done teaching. Thank God for that! I wasn't going to make it much longer. I found out part way through the day on Monday the 16th that I would be done that day. I, unfortunately, still have papers to grade and haven't given them as much attention as maybe I should have been over the past few weeks. Oh well. I'll get them done this weekend and call it good.

I started my contract job on Tuesday the 17th, and then my online teaching job on the 18th. Since then, we've been busy.

We went up to Seattle to go to Jana's first Seahawk game and told our famlies about me being pregnant again. My famly was not as supportive as one would like, but it was totally expected. Jeremy's family was, of course, excited for us.

I've been very, very tired and started getting sick on Tuesday. I think that is the part that is going to be really rough. I'm having a hard time with Jana and how sick I am, not to mention not getting work done that I feel like I should.

Other than that, life is fine. I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed these days. I'm having lots of dreams that consistently involve me not being able to handle whatever it is that I'm supposed to be doing. I guess that is where all of my fears about being able to handle it are going.

We've decided that it's time to start weening Jana. We're going to try to keep the am and pm nursings and possibly one more during the day. So that will mean one to two bottles of formula a day. I think it's getting too hard on me now that I'm so sick again and Jana seems to have more plumbing issues because she's not hydrated enough.

Someone has figured out how to move herself across the hardwood floors and has wedged herself in the corner. She's yelling for some rescuing, so I better go.

No crawling yet, but she's definitely mobile!


Blogger Kristi Ann said...

hehhehe..Kayla gets stuck in all kinds of palces too!!

I am going to try and wean her as well...so let me know how it goes, and I can get some pointers.....Sammy did it with no problem...but I KNOW she won''t give them up as easy since she nurses to bed *bad mom award here*

Good luck!

11:51 AM  

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