Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Blind Faith

So I'm a strong believer in the idea that things happen for a reason... whether that reason is a larger plan or your own choices depends on the situation.

In the spring, I felt so fortunate to have the opportunities we had be presented with. I couldn't believe how amazing the job offer was. I could make as much, if not more than what I make teaching, but be able to be home most of the time. Amazing I thought.

I could even teach some on-line classes to make some extra money.

Reality has set in and it's a bitch.

My $30k job will only make me $18k. I didn't get ANY of the on-line teaching jobs. I'm scared out of my mind about how we'll make it. I know we will. I'm willing to do almost anything. If I need to go work as a checker in a grocery store at night so we can have food, you know I'd do it. But it's still scary.

Besides it all being scary, my ego, my pride is so bruised. Not bruised, beaten to hell. I've always prided myself on the fact that I'm a darn good teacher... or so I thought. I push my kids hard. I work had to prepare lessons that teach them something and are interesting. I never take the easy way out and do lame lessons. I get my kids to do things they never thought they were capable of. I have kids come back and thank me for how hard I pushed them and for the skills I taught them. I pride myself on the fact that kids hate me at the beginning of the year because I push them so hard, but by the end of the year, when they are use to working hard, they love me. I connect with kids. I'm able to help them with life issues as well as teach them. I'm respected by 99% of the kids in my school and I haven't had most of them in class; it's all reputation. I hear mutterings all the time of "Yeah, I've had her... she's nice, but she'll kick your butt."

But, here I am two years in a row, not getting the jobs I've requested transfers for. There were 3 last year and many this year. I have a hard time swallowing the idea that I'm not good enough for those jobs. I'd like to think that it has more to do with my union involvement and the other issues in my building, but I can't be sure of that. I am, however, pretty darn sure that once I leave the district, I will never be able to get another job here. That is so incredibly scary, since this is the 2nd largest district in the state and there are only tiny districts around us that rarely have jobs.

I jsut felt as though I couldn't turn down this chance to be home with Jana. I'm so thankful of the amazing opportunities and gifts I have been given this year. But now I'm scared. I know we'll never lose everything; my parents have money and they'd never let that happen, but I don't want to ever get to that point.

I know people make sacrifices all the time for their families and we'll find a way to make it work. But I'm still scared.


Blogger Rhonda said...


I know it is scary, I did it last year. We are still watching every penny, but we are doing well. I still worry about things, and almost talked myself into going back to work this fall, but my dh made me realize just how unhappy I would be doing that. I loved teaching, but I love being with my children more.

Some tips for you, it you are not already doing these things

1. Shop from lists. Preplan meals and only buy the things you need.

2. Don't worry about name brand. The cheaper stuff is just as good most of the time. IF you find something that is not as good, make note of it.

3. If you have a small naighborhood store, fruit market, meat market, ect. check it out and compare the prices. I found that many things were as much as 50% cheaper than what they were at the big name store. Most of the time the meat, fruit, and veggies are the biggest difference in price and most of the time fresher.

4. Buy paper goods and soaps at Walmart or Target instead of grocery stores.

Good luck finding places to save money and I hope the tips I found helpful will help!

10:59 PM  

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