Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Too Much to Do And Too Little Time

It's a battle all new and not so new mothers fight: the clock.

The tasks are prioritized, and I usually come in at the bottom. Blogs, posting, and even email are luxuries. A fed, clean, and contented baby, food for dinner, and a clean house seem to take all of my time these days.

I caught myself dreaming last week and am now suffering the consequences. Hopes raised high crash hard.

We have lived in our house for 5 years. Our immediate neighborhood is okay... the outside neighborhood is turning scary. The outside neighborhood is beginning to creep in. Our neighborhood police officer is now watching two different houses and running the plates for stollen cars because there is an abundance of nice, new cars tat seem too expensive for our neighborhood. Not to mention the traffic of numerous people in and out of those houses and the apparent lack of jobs for the inhabitants. One of these houses is our neighbors whom we dislike strongly.

J finally relented and decided that we should start looking into moving. We spent the evening of Mother's Day looking at houses on line and got our hopes up. We had a realtor come look at our house and he priced it $60,000 more than we bought it for, not to mention how much we've paid down on it already in 5 years.

Then reality sunk in.... The job I was hoping to get that might allow me to work from home, won't allow me to work from home. The capability is there, but our school district distrusts its employees so much that even though they could monitor my activity in the program and my hours spent on the program, they will not allow anyone to work from home.

So now, we need to pay for day care and that added expense makes any increase in our mortgage unbearable.

I'm so bummed. It feels so selfish, but I hate living here. Beside the fact that the house is only 1190 square feet and we have no guestroom for any visitors to stay, I want a new neighborhood. The problem that we run into is that the next step up is a huge financial step. Our house is now the mid-range house ($175,000 to $200,000) which would be the next step up for us financially. But to get a bigger house that could fit our needs long term, we'd need to jump to the $275,000 to $300,000 range.

I think the thing that is bumming me out more than the house is that I thought there was a chance for me to work from home and not put little J in daycare. I am not judging anyone who has to or wants to put their children in daycare, but for me, I hate the idea of little J being in someone else's care all day. I want her with me. I want to be the one to feed her, play with her, put her down for her naps, hug her when she gets an ouchie, cuddle her when she needs a hug... not someone else. Here I am crying about it right now as I type this. I don't want someone else doing what is supposed to be my job, but I am incapable of doing it because we are too financially irresponsible to make it work. It's our own fault. I can try to blame poor pay of teachers, but we should be able to do it... if we could have learned long ago and daily to give up those extra things.

I better go tend to my poor neglected child since I've been typing this for so long, she's now sick of watching her fish on her boucer.


Blogger S said...

Shawn and I just talked about moving today. We were driving to do some errands and out of the blue Shawn says "Do you ever think about moving?" I knew what he meant right away, not just moving house, but changing our life. Moving to a small town miles from here - miles from downtown, our families, our friends, our jobs. But I have thougth about it. I have to go back to work - it's hurting us having me be off. I get 52 weeks paid leave, but paid at a max of $712 every two weeks. This leaves us $800 short every month. We are getting by, especially since I cook all the time now but if we lived in a small town, our housing costs would be lower, our equity could be put into savings, I could stay home with Adam, Shawn could work less. I don't know if we'll ever actually move - I'm too close with my family and my one sister who did move is kind of treated like an outsider by my mom. I wish I could be more independent and not care what she thinks but I do. Okay, totally rambling on here. I just wanted you to know that I would love to move and I would love to stay home with Adam (or even work part time) but I don't think it's possible and it makes me sad too.

8:24 PM  

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