Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Catching up

Here is attempt number 3 at catching up. Twice I managed to be dumb enough to delete my post.

Accident Prone:
The first thing I wanted to share was how much my clumbsiness has increased in the last few weeks and how many physical maladies I have had lately. It's just silly. First I burned my hand by setting my hand on the stove top. We have one of the ceramic top stoves and I managed to set my hand on a burner I had just turned off. Brilliant!!!

Then there was the walking and didn't stretch afterward which resulted in the worst calf cramp I have ever had (which is saying a lot for being a soccer player) at 2:00 am.

Then there was the whole drama with the root canal, which I think my dentist is making a small fortune off of. I had the initial appointment to get drilled, then went in yesterday to get the roots filled and then I go in next week to get it filled for good. Are you kidding me?

Saturday I managed to slice open my thumb while trying to open the box for the crib with a dull Swiss Army knife. I know, absolute brilliance again.

So, we'll keep counting the injuries and hope that they continue to stay minor.

I'm definitely feeling huge these days. I'm totally running out of clothes. I even resorted to wearing one of J's polo shirts from his chunky days (he's skinny now, the twit :-). The kids are starting to figure out that I don't have a whole lot to wear and are gently teasing me as they see the same clothes over and over again.

My feet are starting to swell a bit, but not too bad. I can see sock lines at the end of the day, but still have ankles. I think I even forgot to mention earlier that I had to take off my wedding ring. I was heatbroken about doing that. I haven't gone with out my rings on since I got married. I left my engagement ring and wedding ring separate, so even when I played soccer, I left my wedding ring on because it's just a simple band. I hate it and can't wait to be able to wear them again. I don't know why, but I feel funny not wearing them - almost naked.

Junior is definitely an active one though. S/he loves to kick me during class time. I remember when I would only feel him/her when I got home from school and would sit still for a long time. Now, he/she is awake and moving until after lunch, naps during 3rd adn 4th period, kicks up a storm until I go to bed and then seems to sleep when I do. The latest funny thing is the kicks straight out the top of the belly. I can watch my belly jump by looking down, straight between my boobs. At the same time, he/she likes to punch what I think may be a kidney or something on my right side, down by my hip. I think he/she is learning from Adam and doing spread eagles (right, Sheri?).

I've also been having what I'm assuming are Braxton-Hicks contractions a lot during school. Maybe it's from me walking around and being on my feet all day, maybe from stress, or maybe from dehydration (I can't seem to drink enough water). They are less than comfortable as my entire belly feels like it's rock hard. Sometimes I get the shooting pain down to the hoo-hah, but that has stopped since I stopped working out on the Elliptical trainer; walking seems to be going much better for me.

So I now have less than 8 weeks left. It seems like it's so long, but I know it's not in the grand scheme of things.

We have a lot of what we need, which is slightly frightening with two showers left to go. To hit the highlights, at the first shower, we got: a pack-n-play with sheets, bouncer, lots of yellow clothes, lots and lots of blankes, burp rags and swaddling blanket, boppy play gym, baby bjorn carrier, diaper bag, bath tub, towls, lots and lots of wash clothes, books, rattles, a leap frog counting train, socks,hats, and more yellow clothes. I know the yellow comes with the territory of the surprise, but everyone seems to like yellow ducks.

We went on a shopping spree this weekend and picked up things like a mattress, changing table pad and covers, burp rags, another towel and washclothes, baby wash, lotion, diapers, wipes, etc. I feel a little weird about buying that stuff, but I still think it is because I'm scared of jinxing this.

Anyway, here are the pictures of the room. We still have to clean out the closet, but we got the furniture assembled and positioned.

Now that this has taken me 2 days to compose, I'm just going to publish it and have to add anything else into a new post! :)


Blogger S said...

crappers I just posted a comment and it didn't save ggrrr

Short version: I was very accident prone too! It doesn't get better!

Love the room - especially the change table/dress - it's gorgeous!

Tip: Stock up on wipes and diapers - I go through a container of wipes in just over a week!

You are getting so close! I can't wait to hear about your labor and delivery experience! You will feel so empowered, so proud and so strong it's an amazing experience!


11:28 PM  

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