Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Absolutely Moronic Comment and My Petty Vent About It

I know in the grand scheme of things this doesn't even matter in the slightest, but it's bothering me right now.

So I have this friend/workout partner (yes, you've heard about her before and my frustrations with her), K, who is about two weeks behind me in her pregnancy. Everytime we talk, it's the comparison game, which I don't play. Also, she can't seem to talk about much of anything other than being pregnant, which is another game I don't play. It's a part of life, not an affliction. It is a blessing that many people in this world don't get to experience. Seeing me, they know I'm pregnant; I don't need to beat them upside the head with it by making them listen to the incessant babble about pains, agonies, and generally bitching about being pregnant. Plus, I am a little uneasy talking about it to just anyone. I don't feel I need to be the center of attention and this is one of the many places that K and I differ.

Anyway, on to my newest gripe about K.

So we went to the gym again today (she won't go to the gym without me and I walk 4 days a week, so we only go twice a week and then she bitches the whole time about how we don't go often enough). I guess I pissed her off because I was keeping a pretty good gate on the elliptical trainer and she was not able to (so what!?!?!). So then as we're lifting lower body today, I make the comment about how I'm feeling huge because my normally baggy t-shirt is starting to get tightish around my belly. Her response, "Well, you are huge."

Okay, now here is the vindictive, bitchy side of me. K gets mad because everyone says how cute my belly is and how pregnant I look. You can't tell she's pregnant because she's overweight. We all make choices. (She chose, despite our friend and I going on Weight Watchers together and keeping a 6 day a week workout routine and asking her to do it with us, to do nothing about her "needing" to lose weight before getting pregnant again.) I fessed up last week that I was getting nervous that I was heading toward the heaviest I've ever been (despite only having gained 7 lbs while pregnant, I gained some before). She bragged about having gained no weight, but maintaining her 80 lbs more than me! I'M HUGE!?!?! YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!! I'm still not even remotely close to her size and she has the nerve to tell me I'm huge!?!?!?

I know it's a dumb thing, but she has been one of my closest friends for the last 3 years. She knows all of my eating issues and my issues with my weight. She knows one of the things I'm most scared of is gaining too much weight. She knows this is my soft spot. Who exploits that? Who says that? Who is that mean?

I was feeling so good because all J's relatives and my relatives had commented on how great I looked and how I am so cute pregnant, and how it looks like I'm only gaining baby and going straight out. (Yes, I realize they aren't going to say otherwise, but to get compliments from my family about how I look is no small feat).

I'm just in shock. I can't even imagine making that comment to someone, let alone saying it to someone who I know has the sensitivities I do.

I know this is the one time I should not be self-conscious, but it's hard for me. It's so hard for me to feel unattractive to J. It's so hard for me to have this much external attention focused on my body.

Grrrr! Are people that clueless of what they say or that mean to say it anyway?


Blogger Sabrina said...

Why didn't you just slap her right there in the gym?? LOL Sounds like she needs it! I think everyone has a friend like her who gets on their nerves but we're still friends with them. Don't ask me why!

4:41 PM  

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