Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Monday, December 05, 2005

What I would have said if I was brave

I wish I was brave. I wish I could stand up to idiotic people. I wish I had the guts to say the things that I feel and think. But, alas, I'm kind of a chicken.

Today we had a staff meeting and the president of the union and our uni-serve rep came to explain and answer questions about the whole grievance issue. All I can say is that PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB!!!! I can't even begin to understand where they are coming from.

Some people tried to use the excuse that this is such a small issue, they didn't know why we were fighting it. Small issue? Cutting 30 minutes off my prep time: my time to grade papers, plan for lessons and do the bullshit paperwork that I am required to do? And the administration does this every time we have an in-service day or conference day. People were actually mad that we were trying to get them their proper time and compensation.

I know that being a teacher is more than a job; it is part of who I am. I would be a much different person if I was not an educator. It molds my values, beliefs, experiences and focus in life. However, it isn't a disability, which is what many people treat it as. My being a teacher does not need to prohibit me from performing tasks in my life, like having sanity or being able to devote quality time to my family. So many of my collegues use it as an excuse as to why they have less time for their kids and spouses, why they can't have hobbies, why they are out of shape and in poor health.

If there is one thing I have learned this year is that it doesn't have to be this way. We make choices! And a person has to make his or her choices based on those priorities. If being at your child's game/performance/whatever is your priority, then the papers just don't get graded that day. As a teacher, each individual has the opportunity to structure his or her class in such a way that either minimizes or maximizes teacher work load. I started this year structuring my class in such a way that my work load was insane. Now that I have tried something new, I have come up with a system that allows me to bring home almost nothing on a daily basis. Yes, I need to use my prep time very efficiently, but I don't have to spend 4 or 5 hours every day at home doing school work. I've made the choice that that kind of sacrafice - that kind of martyrdom isn't necessary to my well-being. Is my kids' learning suffering? No. Are they have to work harder and be more responsible for their work? Yes. Is that a good thing? Absolutely.

So here is the end of my rant. I'll sum it up in a few statements. We all make choices. You are not allowed to wear your choices of martyrdom on your sleeve as a badge of honor and ask for pity and praise when it can be done other ways. And don't you dare tell me I need to do the same. I'm a damn good teacher. I'm an incredibly caring and supportive adult to these children. I deserve my personal time, my protected prep time, and my sanity. I'm sorry you can't find a way to make it work. I'm sorry that your personal life isn't important enough for you to work harder to find a way to work more efficiently. But, don't you dare take my time away from me.


Blogger Sabrina said...

I don't know how the teacher I work for does it, but I think she must stay after school for atleast a hour working because she doesn't get here till usually 5 to get her kids. I know sometimes she goofs off after work THEN comes to get her kids. So nice of her to think of her kids first.

I hope the idiot coworkers of yours pull their head out of their butts for you soon. Are any of them math instructors? Maybe if they added up all the time in a month that see how much time they're losing out on.

Oh my god Dominic just puked all over a daycare kid!

8:59 AM  

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