Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Different World

I'll admit that I grew up in a sheltered, upper-middle class suburb. I remember in 5th grade seeing the word "Fuck" spray painted on a wall at my school and being horrified and so disturbed. I remember in 9th grade being shocked and dismayed when I found out that some of my classmates smoked. By the end of my freshman year in high school, I couldn't even face some of my friends who drank. As a junior in high school, I was horrified to hear that my best friend had given her boyfriend a blow job. This was my naive little world as a child; couple that with never having stepped foot in a public high school until my student teaching and you may begin to understand why it breaks my heart to see what my students go through.

Today we were on lock down. Not for the normal reasons: someone wrote a vague threat on the wall of the bathroom, or someone on a prison work party escaped from their cre (yes, it happens all the time). Not even for the really frightening situation where the floor plan of our school was found on an Al-Queida computer. At my school, we are in the middle of a gang war, and I am scared to death.

Here's the situation: Yesterday we had 5, yes 5, fights. 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 2:30, and 2:45 - all gang related. Then there was a HUGE gang fight last night around 9:00 where one of our kids was stabbed by another one of our kids. This is the second gang-related stabbing of kids in the last month, by the way.

We were not to let kids into the hallways during class, be very aware of kids dress, and be in the hallway during passing time. We have 15 kids up for expulsion, 3 more were arrested today.

I'm just in awe. This was not anything I ever had to face and then we wonder how they are so screwed up.


Blogger Sabrina said...

I went from a rich little 4A school here to a big 5A school when my mom decided to move us. Boy was that a wake up call. Everyone at my old school had Mercedes and BMW's and had tons of cash that they spent on weed. The new school I switched to junior year was full of gangs, drugs, and teachers who didn't really care if they taught us anything to us! The same thing happened there. It started afterschool one day we knew there was going to be a fight so EVERYONE was there. This white guy was beat by about 7 Mexicans. It was horrible. Then the next day the school was in lock down and cops were all over. There was a lunch room riot. We even made the news! It was scary for sure. I hope things get better there soon. Do they have metal detectors there? Guns were an everyday thing at this highschool as well. This is part of the reason I put Alex in a small school outside of town. I feel for you!

11:02 AM  
Blogger Sabrina said...

I went from a rich little 4A school here to a big 5A school when my mom decided to move us. Boy was that a wake up call. Everyone at my old school had Mercedes and BMW's and had tons of cash that they spent on weed. The new school I switched to junior year was full of gangs, drugs, and teachers who didn't really care if they taught us anything to us! The same thing happened there. It started afterschool one day we knew there was going to be a fight so EVERYONE was there. This white guy was beat by about 7 Mexicans. It was horrible. Then the next day the school was in lock down and cops were all over. There was a lunch room riot. We even made the news! It was scary for sure. I hope things get better there soon. Do they have metal detectors there? Guns were an everyday thing at this highschool as well. This is part of the reason I put Alex in a small school outside of town. I feel for you!

11:02 AM  

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