Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Long overdue update!

Now that the drama in my life is subsiding, I feel like I should do an update.

Soccer is officially over. I am done with it. I have no more duties or obligations left. It is a big relief and I am definitely sad at how it ended. The banquet went of nicely. We had quite a few families show up and most of the girls. My pain in the butt did show up, but oh well. My assistant coach showed up and was a pain in the butt, but I don't have to have anything else to do with her.

School is calming down. Teaching is definitely getting easier now that I have time and energy to devote to it. For the most part, my classes are great and I'm enjoying them. I'm not needing to do a whole lot of work at home very often which is nice too.

I'm working out now. I walk 3 or 4 days a week for around an hour. Twice a week, I go to the gym and do the elliptical trainer and lift light weights. I'm definitely feeling better and I think it is helping to ease the weight gain. According to my in-laws scale, I'm up two more pounds to make it around 9 lbs gained. I'm having a hard time being relaxed about how much I weigh. I'm so scared of hitting the heaviest I've ever been, but I didn't exactly start out very light.

Junior is moving around more. I feel the movements in the mid morning and then again starting around 5:00ish at night. S/he usually continues until I fall asleep. I don't know whether to classify this as a lot of movement or a little because I don't have any comparisons.

My heating pad and I are becoming best friends. My back has been killing me lately. I haven't walked since Thursday night, so I wonder if that is part of it. My sciatic nerve has been acting up a lot lately too. I definitely feel better after sitting with the heating pad for a while.

My heartburn has been tolerable lately, but I am still living on two Pepcid ACs a day and sometimes a few tums on top of that. My asthma started getting bad last week and it is still bothering me. It may sound dumb, but I feel like it gets worse when I eat or drink anything with sugar in it.

J and I are doing okay. We had a few rough days last week. It was only due to the stress of dealing with Thanksgiving with my family. We never fight or even argue. Discussions never get that far before they are settled. We argued three days in a row to where I would be in tears (one day I even started throwing up. We're fine now that Thanksgiving is over.

We have yet another appointment this week. I feel like we just had one.

I am falling asleep as I finish this, so I guess it's now bed time.


Blogger Laura said...


I'm so glad that soccer is over and that you have more energy for your classes. The decreased stress will certainly be welcome as your pregnancy progresses (by the way, it's time you post a new belly shot!).

I'm so sorry that you and J had some arguments over the holiday. I have definitely been there and done that with my in-laws, and it wasn't pretty. There is still quite a bit of friction there.

Good for you for exercising so much! That will only make it easier to take the weight off once the baby is born, and it will keep your weight gain to a healthy amount. I gained 55 pounds with Ethan and I was overweight to begin with!

5:02 PM  
Blogger Sabrina said...

So what ended up happening at your mom's house? Did you visit and leave or did you threaten to stay with your friends??

Hope your weekend, other than the drama of the parents went well!

I'm happy to hear you're starting to feel movement! Now the fun begins!

7:50 PM  
Blogger S said...

I am so glad that soccer is over and you can focus on your teaching and your baby. I'm so glad you are feeling the baby so much! In the beginning, this little one was so sporatic it worried me. Thankfully (and sometimes not - especially when I'm trying to sleep) he is much more forceful.

I am sorry about the arguements with Jay - the holidays do that to you. Once life is back to normal you will be just fine once again.

I can't believe how far along you are! It's going by so fast, isn't it?

Love ya!


8:15 PM  

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