Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wonderful Fall Saturday!

Today felt like the most perfect fall Saturday. I got up this morning mostly on my own, except for my dog that wanted to eat breakfast, at around 8:00. I watched a movie while eating my breakfast, then relished my long, hot shower. My early afternoon was spent, bundled up, with peppermint hot chocolate in hand, watching a women's college soccer game. It was a comfortable cool, grey day - cool enough to be comfortable in J's fleece and rain jacket, but warm enough to enjoy being outside.

After getting to watch one of my former soccer players get her first start in college, I headed to our Factory Store Shopping Mall where I met a friend for lunch and shopping. The planners of thie shopping center were smart enough to cover most of the walk ways, so when the rains started, we were still able to comfortable walk around. After looking at lots of very cute clothes that would in no way, shape, or form fit me, I spoiled myself by buying my birthday presents. (I know, I'm a bit early.) I looked at a few pairs of black dressish shoes, and eventually found a pair I loved. One problem: they were kids. Problem solved: Embarrassingly enough, I wear a 4.5 in girls' shoes. So for $24 I got a new pair of black work shoes to replace the ones that were falling apart and cut into my foot everytime I wore them. Just to spoil myself more, I found a pair of brown shoes to replace my 7 year old chucky shoes I currently wear all the time. I topped off my shopping trip with buying some really yummy smelling wax for my candle burner and two new maternity bras that are actually supportive enough to keep my mammath boobs up where they belong!

Now, after dinner, I'm lying in bed watching watching the US vs. Costa Rica soccer game. NOOOOOOO!!!! We're now down 0 to 1.

Part of what has made this such a great fall day is that I have gotten to watch soccer - good soccer. Not coach it, but watch it, appreciate it, and enjoy it. Plus, college ball is so incredibly different than high school soccer. The play is so much better, players are more skilled and it's far more intelligent play. Ahhh, wouldn't it be nice to coach at that level?

So, after quite a stressful week, I had a WONDERFUL day. I got to spend time with a friend, support a really great kid, watch some great soccer, spend time with my wonderful husband, cuddle with my dog, and now I'm enjoying my newest favorite drink: A Thomas Kemper Soda, today it's Classic Grape. Ahhh! Just what I needed!

Also, here are some new pics I just downloaded off the camera. The first is a pic from J's Livestrong Ride. (He's the one giving the thumbs up in the white jersey). He rode 105 miles in 6 hours. This is J as he's heading out on the ride. I'm so proud of him. The last two are my 17 week belly pics. Once again, I feel much bigger than I look. The random belly rubs from others have started and it's now obvious that I'm pregnant and no just fat :)


Blogger S said...

Your day sounds heavenly! I love days like that.Thanks for writing it - I feel like I was there with you!

Cute belly! You look great (and so small compared to my massive one!) Keep posting those pictures!

9:25 PM  
Blogger Sasha@Pw said...

Your belly does look cute! I'm amazed you fit into kid's shoes - wow!

Just found your blog by random searching. :)

3:38 PM  

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