Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Quick update

Thanks for the well wishes girls!

Things are a bit better. I think they're going to be forced to have the Grievance Meeting without me. All of their suggested times are impossible for me since I have a game tomorrow after school, won't be at school on Monday, and our Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Tuesday. It doesn't seem that my principal is in any hurry to resolve this before Conferences. We informed him today that if he doesn't comply, then there will be $2000 of back pay owed to the staff at our school. He so far, doesn't seem to care.

The other building rep, the one who accused me of not being a team player and working against the community feeling, resigned from her job as the Senior Buildng Rep. I guess she finally got sick of the union telling her she was wrong all the time, because, well she was!

Hopefully this is behind me now!

Also, the parents that sent the email ripping me, telling me that I was a horrible teacher that didn't teach and lost their daughter's assignmenst (which she found in her binder) never responded to my email home and their daughter pouted through all of class today :) Hee, hee! Isn't that evil of me?

On another note, my Mom yelled at me last night when I told her that I switched from my prescription prenatals (which I was puking up everyday) to a generic brand (still 100% of everything) that I can keep down. Whew, can we say irrational? She had it in her head that my sister's aneurysm and my brother's friend's aneurysm were due to their mother's not taking prenatal vitamins (remember my sis is adopted). However irrational it was, she actually fessed up to it, apologized, and explained why she reacted that way. That's a huge step!


Blogger Sabrina said...

I took generic prenatals too so don't fret. Mom's are like that!

I sure hope everything gets worked out there at the school. What a mess!

11:27 AM  
Blogger Lerdahl family said...

Hi Lindsay,
I am a lurker that found your blog. I have read through it and love it! I am 11 1/2 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing some of the same things as you. (morning sickness, dreams about miscarrying, etc)
It's just nice to know that I am not alone! So, thank you!

9:29 AM  

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