Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

My blessed life

There are times of years or situations around us that cause us to stop and appreciate the gifts in our lives. For many people not directly affected by the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, this has been a time of reflection and admiration for their own gifts in their lives. Couple this with the approaching annivesary of the attacks on September 11th and many people are probably slowing down and having pensive moments.

I am definitely not immune to the moments of thanksgivng for my gifts.

* My family. I know I am so lucky to have such a supportive family. While they drive me nuts at times, I'm so lucky to have them involved in my life, love my husband, support my career, and be there when I need them. Both of my siblings married wonderful people that fit into our family and enhance our family. We all get along with each other's spouses and legitimately love one another. I know that we would do anything for one another.

* J's family. Wow. Could I have married into a better family? No! His parents are wonderful parents who love their children (and me) a lot and let them be whoever they want to be. They love spending time with us and I would consider them some of our best friends. His extended family are also wonderful and have always made me feel so welcome. I refer to his grandparents as Grandma and Grandpa because that is what they want me to do as the "13th" grandchild (which they have refered to me as such since J and I started dating).

* My career. While I am exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally for 10 months of the year, I am blessed to have a career, not just a job. I am blessed to have talents and gifts that allow me the potential to have an amazing influence on kids. I can not only teach them the subject matter, but I have a chance to help them become better people, work through the tumultuous times that are adolescence, and have an influence on who they will become.

* Our financial standing. I know we're in debt, struggle with our budget, and don't get to do the things that some of our friends get to do, but we own our house and cars. We always have heat, water, and food. Our needs are met, which is far more than many people have.

* This pregnancy. I'm not sure I ever really thought this would happen for me. I know I have always had many gifts in life, but most everything took a lot of work for me and not much came easily. I guess that is how I expected this to go. I'm so excited. I'm nervous about being a mom. I'm scared I won't know what to do, but feel so incredibly blessed for this gift. I still get scared a lot. My next appt isn't for a week and a half and I worry. I can't wait to feel the baby move.

* My husband. I am so lucky to have such a great relationship with J. The other day was a huge reminder of one of the many reasons why I love him so much. I came home from practice at 7:00, exhausted, feeling sick again, and he was cleaning the kitchen. I sat at the kitchen table while he scrubbed, loaded the dishwasher, and wiped off the counters. He put the bread back in the cupboard and asked if I was eating that or should he put it in the freezer. I snapped that I was trying to, but was having a hard time eating again. His calm reply was: "please don't get grumpy with me, I just didn't know if I was supposed to be eating it before it went bad. I'm sorry you're not feeling good again. I love you." With a quick kiss on the head, he went back to cleaning. He listens to my coaching and teaching stories, he gives me great advice, and is able to handle disagreements so calmly that we never fight, but are always able to discuss our issues.

So many of these gifts I take for granted and never fully appreciate.


Blogger Sabrina said...

I have to ditto everything you said except for career! God shoot me if I'm doing daycare much longer! LOL Hopefully you're morning sickness will start to fade soon. I know I was a real bear to Dave too during that time but all my hubby did was laugh and said "you're the one who wanted to do this again!" What a brat!

1:35 PM  
Blogger S said...

I LOVE posts like this! Thank you for reminding me to give my hubby an extra hug tonight, and to call my mom and sisters and tell them I love them too!

6:56 PM  
Blogger Rhonda said...

We should all count or blessings. More people need to realize how much they have to be thankful for instead of complaining about all the things they are missing.

7:29 PM  

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