Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Friday, September 09, 2005

September 11th

That is a day that will live in my memory for the rest of my life, like many others. While I remember quite clearly sitting on the floor of our livingroom, stretching after my 5:00am run, watching TV while and watching in horror. When I turned on the TV, I saw the first tower smoking and watched the plane hit the second tower, live. Awe, shock, horror, confusion.

But those are not the reasons I will always remember September 11th.

It is the day that we nearly lost my sister. It is the day God blessed all of our lives with a second chance of having Kaley in our lives. It is the day that a miracle happened.

To be honest, since we don't use our home phone very often, my heart jumps everytime the phone rings. I remember so vividly the phone ringing at 6:00am, Saturday, September 11, 2005.

"Lindsay, are you awake?"
"There's a problem with your sister. You promise me that you're awake and listening."

It's interesting how I feel good about only having a 5% chance of miscarrying. That's 95% chance of carrying to term and delivering a healthy baby. I am relieved and comforted by those numbers.

Kaley is that odd chance. 3% of people with aneurysms like hers live. 97% of the time people die. Yet she is alive, well, playing soccer, and running. A miracle. God wasn't ready for her. It wasn't her time.

It's hard to let her know how often I think of her and how full of awe and appreciation I am for having her in my life still.

I so wish she was closer and could share in each others lives more.


Blogger S said...

I am so glad your sister beat the odds! I know it's because she has so much love and support from her family!

6:55 PM  

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