Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


We all make decisions on a daily basis. Some are small decisions while some are large, important decisions. Some decisions can be made on a gut reaction, while others take much thought and evaluation of values.

One of the minor decisions I am faced with is taking way too much time and energy. We have an away soccer game on Friday. It's a 4:00 game, an hour away, so we'll be home between 6:30 and 6:45. It is also our Homecoming and I have two girls who are on our Homecoming court. They are also two of my starters, seniors, and captains. I am getting pressure from my administrators to let them skip the game, so they can be in the parade at 5:00 and still be dressed pretty for the half time deal. But here are my questions: 1. What message is being sent to my other players? 2. Would the football players who are on court ever be allowed to skip the game for the festivities? NO WAY! 3. My attendance policy is that the only reasons for excused absences are: Illness and family emergency. If you miss a practice, class, or game for any other reason, you are suspended for two games. How do I let these two girls go and not suspend them for two more games?

The major decision I am facing is whether or not to have the triple-screen blood test. I came into my fact-finding mission with an opinion and am strengthened in my decision. I think we are not going to have it done. It would be reassuring to know that everything is fine, but it isn't worth the risk of finding out that things are not okay.
1. We wouldn't terminate the pregnancy for any reason.
2. If the baby is unhealthy or terminal, we'll know when he/she is born (if not through an u/s earlier). I know myself and I will make myself sick with worry if we were to find out something is wrong. I would be so ill with worry for the last 4 months of my pregnancy that it's not worth it.
3. My thoughts are also that since nothing could be done to fix it, there's no reason to find out. God gave me the gift of this pregnancy, let me carry this long and we will celebrate and love whatever God gives us and for however long our baby is with us.

It's a little scary to opt out of a test that sounds like most people get, but I just can't see how the possibility of either a positive or false positive result can do anything beneficial for me.


Blogger S said...

Lindsay: you have a lifetime of decisions that will effect you and your child. Deciding to have the triple screen is one of those decisions. I decided to have it done only because if there was something wrong, I wanted to be emotionally and mentally prepared. (I don't think Shawn even knew why I was going for another blood test to be honest, I really didn't discuss it with him) It really is a personal decision so do what is best for you and J.

10:55 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Lindsay-The decision not to have the triple screen was an easy one for me. I knew that I would not terminate the pregnancy under any circumstances, and I also know that I am the world's biggest worrier. I knew I'd worry if it was a false abnormal result, so much so that I'd probably make myself sick. I wanted to enjoy my pregnancy, every minute of it, and so I opted not to have the triple screen done. My SIL had it done with both of her sons and she doesn't regret her decision. You have to do what feels right for you and don't worry about "most" people getting it done. It's optional for a reason. Hope that helps! Oh, and I think your belly looks great!!!

10:04 AM  
Blogger Sabrina said...

We all discussed this the other day on the board but I forgot to tell you about that false positive deal. The reason people get a false positive is because they do the test outside the timeframe to have it done. What is it like 14-16 wks?? If you test too early or too late that can get you a false positive. I don't know anyone on Babycenter who has had a false positive and I'm on 4 different threads daily! I guess false positives can also come from being pregnant with twins. Anyways- it's a big decision to make. Like I said the other day, I just did it for the reasons that Sheri listed. If my baby did have a problem I wanted to be prepared and also have the appropriate neonatal staff in the room when we delivered just in case they needed to work on the baby right away.

PS: I think you look really really good in your belly pics! I don't see why you're stressing on weight!

9:53 AM  

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