Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Ten years later and still the same old people

So my high school reunion was an amazing waste of time and money. I did learn so many things.
1. Some people never change.
2. Those that peaked in high school are still total ass holes now.
3. I really don't care about many of those that I never kept in touch with.
4. I'm so glad I don't still live up there.

We didn't go to the Friday night, bar scene (too smokey and couldn't get there in time). I guess about 60 people showed up; sort of impressive since we had 120 in our graduating class. Then only 25-30 showed up to the organized event on Saturday. The dumbest part of all was that the "cool kids" from high schools protested paying for the reunion and one of them decided to throw her own party: invite-only. What a fucking dumb ass! How old are we? She was a snooty, elitist bitch in high school, but I was shocked to know that she still believes she is such hot shit.

I did get a chance to catch up with one friend I hadn't kept in constant touch with. She didn't know I was pregnant and just about cried when she saw me (she knew what we went through last year). It was so good to see her and get reconnected with her.

Out of the 25-30 people there, I realized that at some point I had been friends with all of them, yet really cared little to catch up. There was C and K, who were annoying in high school and still very much the same. They had a knack of working way too hard to try to fit in and seemed to insert themselves in the middle of conversations all night.

The most hilarious one of all was that we spent the whole night thinking that one guy was someone's date and he turned out to be a guy we went to school with that thought he was big man on campus through all of school. He was the big partier and no one recognized him because he was fat and bald.

I did run into Will, an ex of mine. He looked so good and so happy. He's a firefighter in a small town east of the city. I think he gave me the longest and hardest hugs of everyone. He's one that definitely still has a place in my heart because he is such a sweetheart, but I was shocked to see the look of regret on his face when I introduced him to J. That was odd to say the least.

There were 4 of us that were pregnant, so that was kind of funny: One due in two days, another in February, me in March and one at the end of April (yes, she was telling everyone at the reunion at 8 weeks. To each there own, right?).

I laughed so hard when a group of them were talking about how mad they were that Katy Jo threw her own party instead of just coming to the reunion. One even fessed up that she was mad she wasn't invited. I was so tempted to scream "WHO THE FUCK CARES!?!?!??" Our class was so divided while we were in school, with a large group who thought they were better than everyone else. Half of those people all bought houses in the same yuppie neighborhood, did we really expect anything different?

I was glad to see Korri, Chad, and Will. At least I can say I went and wasn't one of the morons who was too good to go.


Blogger S said...

The good part about the reunion is that you can feel pretty darn good about your life. You have a wonderful husband and career and a baby on the way. You are definately not one of the snooty ones who still feels the need to have a private party 10 years after the fact. How very juvenile is that?!

My reunion was so different. Out of a graduating class of 400+ people, over 200 came and to be honest, with the 200 who were there, I really don't know who was missing. Most had really grown up and only a few were still the same jackass, beer guzzling, pot smoking party-ers that they were in high school and I felt sorry that they had pretty much wasted the last 10 years trying to impress people instead of moving on.

I'm glad you had a chance to catch up with a few close friends, that was my favorite part.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Sabrina said...

Mine was alot like Sheri's also. There were people who were the exact same as they were in highschool and others that had totally changed.

It's fun though to go and see the ones that really changed like you're big fat bald guy! LOL There were about 3 girls at mine that had gained alot of weight...that made me happy. :)

9:35 AM  

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