Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

The World of "IF" not "When"

I don't think I could have ever anticipated how hard this Mother's Day was going to be.

We took my in-laws out to breakfast at our favorite restaurant. We had a great time and great food. We went to their new house that is being built and then hung out at their house for a while. It was really fun, but awkward at the same time. I just kept feeling like it was a sad day for my MIL too. She might have been a grandmother by now.

It's been harder lately.

I went off BCPs a year ago. I know it hasn't been a year of ttc straight through, but it still feels like forever. The old feelings of incompetancy are back.

I don't think I have ever noticed how many commercials there are leading up to mother's day. They all drive me nuts.

I can't help but start to feel like it'll never happen. Dh and FIL were making comments about "when". Before I even thought about it I corrected him by say "if".

I am definitely living in a world of "if" not "when."

The world of "IF" is a lonely place. I am surrounded by people who either have them or don't want them. They don't know "if." Dh has a convoluded dream that it is only "when" not "IF." All he sees is unexplained "grumpiness."

When I asked him when we should start trying again his response was "I'd rather sooner than later." But then why do I feel like I'm in this all alone?

I see the way some people look at me. They're the ones that knew that we were trying and had a m/c. They look at me with pity. I don't want to be pitied. Don't look at me like I'm some incompetant who can't have a baby. They look at me like they wonder what's wrong with me.

Here's to another fabulous Monday!


Blogger S said...

I got those same looks: the ones of pity, sadness. I too got to the point where I was saying "If" we get pregnant. I just have this feeling Lins that for you, it is "when". I know it's hard right now, I've been there. I will pray for you tonight for God to give you some peace! You know I am sending you my love!

6:21 PM  
Blogger Sabrina said...

Lindsay- My Mother's Day last year was the worst...only about 3 weeks after I miscarried. We didn't even celebrate really. I was so depressed about our loss I just couldn't even be happy.

I wish "when" was now for you and I'm sure it will happen soon. I remember you came to the board and BOOM you were pregnant! After I miscarried, the 5 cycles till I got pregnant seemed like eternity!

Big Hugs and sending lots of babydust for a BFP this next cycle!

1:14 PM  

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