Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Friday, February 25, 2005


Maiya, dreaming of some fantastic chase, kicks her back paws into my lower back. Consciousness flickers, but fades under the warm weight of down.
I don't know where I am or when it is, but it doesn't matter as I stare down at the helpless, beautiful face cooing in my arms. The whispy blond hair lightly covers the small head. The pale skin, softer than the finest fabric, is slighly rose upon the soft cheeks that cover the muscles working beneath them. While the eyes are closed so gently, I know beneath the thin lids the steely blue eyes are just like mine. The rhythmic sucking motion continues though the gentle breathing signifies sleep.

I can't feel the weight of this angel in my arms, a reminder of my sleep- yet I stare at this living being. She takes the gift of life and nurturing from me; my body provides the life that sustains her. I am instantly aware of the amazing abilities of my body. Emotion warms me; I stare longingly at the angel in my arms. The moisture in my eyes blurs my vision for a moment, for words can't even begin to describe the love, amazement, and longing that fill me.
The chase ensues and another kick causes me to roll onto my other side. I wake enough to realize my own reality, but quickly try to return to that dreamy state, with my angel in my arms.

But she's gone and I know I'm awake.

I'm dreading the coming and going of March 5, 2005.


Blogger S said...

Oh Lindsay! What beautiful words you wrote! I have tears reading them. I am sorry that March 5 is fast approaching - I will be thinking of you! Sending you hugs!


9:30 AM  
Blogger Sabrina said...

I find myself dreaming all the time Lindsay of our little angel. The thoughts of love and saddness I have over that baby never will leave me. It's like I'm obsessed with what could have been. November 5th was very hard for me. A friend due at the same time as me had hers and now here I am stuck at my house watching a baby girl that was born 1 month after our angel was due. It hurts me but I'm happy for the parents.

I hope you make it through this trying time with lots of love from dh because it is definately hard. Sending big cyber hugs to you!

12:54 PM  

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