Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Sick Son of a Bitch

I don't even know where to begin to understand how people can be so incredibly hurtful toward these young, innocent children.

Earlier this year a teacher was accused and found guilty of something like 20+ counts of sexual abuse of girls beginning as early as in sixth grade. Two of them, I'm very close to.

I just watched the news (and yes, we're in the news again). The dad of one of the two girls was speaking to the School Board about their lack of action in protecting his child from this sick son of a bitch. This is the board that not only gave this fucker his job, but awarded him for being a "great" teacher. This sick bastard not only sexually abused them, but brainwashed them so badly that the girls seriously felt as though they were having a "relationship" with him. He threatened them with violence and with death if they ever told.

These poor girls will never be able to look at sex in a healthy way after this bastard got his hands on them. They will spend their entire lives dealing with this. He chose the most innocent and sweet girls to victimize. They are the kind of kids that are the A students, involved in everything, just your wonderful poster children for what you would want you child to be like. And he took that and used it. He used that drive for perfection and need for success and manipulated it against these poor kids.

Not only do I hope he burns in hell, but I hope that he is beaten, abused, and made someone's bitch in prison. I hope he never makes it out of prison, by his own hand or someone elses, I don't care. I never thought I was capable of wishing harm upon someone, but I hope he is hurt severly by someone, just a taste of how he hurt these young girls.

I know that it isn't God's will for hate or for me to not forgive people, but this man is not worthy of anything less than hate. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven. He deserves nothing less than the most awful, painful, and horrible life ever imaginable.

God's grace and love needs to be focused on healing these young girls.

God, please be with these girls. Please guide them toward healing and moving beyond these horrendous acts. Please heal their hearts, minds, and bodies.


Blogger S said...

Shit like that makes me sick! I will never understand how someone can harm a child!

I will definately be praying for those girls!

8:07 PM  

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