Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Two days down...

Today is our second day with Daddy back teaching. He had In-service week last week, but that doesn't count in my book because there weren't kids and he didn't come home exhausted like he does when he's actually teaching. This is significant because he is much less help when he comes home now that he's teaching again. That's not a criticism of him - just a statement about what he has left when he gets home.

I'm pooped!

Yesterday was a marathon day - holy smokes! We got up and moving with the intention of a quick Target trip, but ended up meeting some friends at our local indoor playground. We had fun, but got home just before Jana's nap time. Then J was only home for maybe an hour and went on a ride for an hour and a half - arriving just in time to put the girls down for the night. Whew, I was drained by then.

I'm working so hard to get Kara onto a schedule right now. She's 15 weeks old and not sleeping through the night. I know that isn't old in some people's books, but Jana was sleeping through by 12 weeks. She has the capacity to make it through, but she's just not doing it. It's my fault because I haven't worked very hard to regulate her sleeping and activities to make it more conducive to her sleeping through. So, now I'm putting a ton of effort into being consistent. (I know my definition of sleeping through is different than others, but I have a hard time calling her pattern sleeping through the night, since I only get maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep and then another hour and a half.

Here's an average day:

4 am: feed Kara
5:45 am: feed Kara
6 - 7 am: I go running.
7 am: Shower, dress, etc

8 am: Jana up, dressed, and breakfast
8:30 am: Kara up and nurse.

10 am: Kara nap
11:30 am: Kara up and nurse
12 pm: Jana lunch

1:30 pm: Kara nap (I need to work on this timing because this
1:30 pm: Jana nap is extraordinarily hectic)

3:30 pm: Kara up and nurse
3:30 pm: Jana up and snack

4:00 pm: J home

4:00 pm: Kara nap

5:00 pm: Kara up and nurse

6:00 pm Dinner or Jana has a complete melt down

7:30 pm Kara nurse

8:00 pm Jana bath/story time/bed

8:30 pm Kara bath/nurse/bed

Phew! And the J wonders "What did you guys do all day?" And really my answer always is "not much," but that doesn't even come close to explaining it.

Right now, I'm working on introducing Jana to playing with other kids. She hasn't really had much of an opportunity until lately to play with other kids. All she does at this point is watch them, but she's definitely interested in them. I'm hoping as we introduce more and more opportunities that it'll get better.

Kara shocked me last night. We were having some tummy time and she was pushing her little butt up in the air and getting her knees under her. Craziness!!!

Here are some new pics of my girls

We are such nerds... J insisted on taking a picture of our first family dinner.

The Mohawk. Everybody has to have a mohawk sometime in their lives.

J turned our tv box into a house for Jana. She loves it. She's peeking out the door at us.

She loves that she is sitting at the table now, like a big girl. She also loves that there is way more room to smear food now. (Needless to say we now have a vinyl table cloth down to save the table.

Did I ever mention that Kara likes to sleep on her side? Here she has rolled onto her side to sleep... in her play gym. Oops! Bad Mommy. Apparently I was distracted with Jana long enough for her to fall asleep.

I don't know why we continue to try, but here are our latest attempts at getting a picture of the girls together.

Can't you just hear the words in their heads?

Kara: Oooh! Those beads are pretty.
Jana: Good luck kid! I'm the star of this show!

"I wear my sunglasses at night."

"Gee, thanks Mom for the short genes! Now you're not the only one who can't reach a microwave."

Here is the classic peddle tractor that J restored this summer. I think it's a '54 Oliver. He's very proud of it. And our little dare devil, of course.

Hey look! There's actually another picture of Kara. Wow, I don't think I realized how much time she spends in her gym because here it is again.

... and again we see the gym. Once again, she decided to fall asleep in the span of a few seconds. I went to wipe Jana's face and get her down from the table and when I came back... out!


Blogger Rhonda said...

I love the pictures!!!!!! My kids fell asleep on their play gym mat all the time!

12:35 PM  
Blogger S said...

Love the family dinner photo - I do stuff like that too! I have the same booster seat as you for Adam but we only use it when we go on vacation. other than that, I am a mean mommy and keep the mess monster in his highchair for meals! I just can't handle the mess!!!

love the photos- you have adorable girls!

9:36 PM  

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