Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Thanks Sheri!

4 things about me you may not have known:

1. I have become a germ-a-phobe and bug-a-phobe since having my girls.
2. After being a high school teacher, I'm scared to death for when my girls become teenagers.
3. I despise, loath, and detest dentists.
4. I have become a bit OCD about cleanliness, but I hate cleaning.

4 Jobs I've Had:

1. Education consultant for the Dept. of Education
2. High School Math and English Teacher
3. Lifeguard and Swim Lessons Instructor
4. Barista

4 Movies I can watch over and over again:

1. So I Married an Axe Murderer
2. The American President
3. Shrek
4. National Treasure (or some other Nicholas Cage action flick)
(Yeah, I'm bizzare and haven't seem any recent movies in a long, long time.)

4 Favorite TV shows:
Only 4?!?!?!

1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Lost
3. Men in Trees
4. What Not to Wear

4 Favorite Hobbies:

1. Running
2. Keeping tabs on my internet buddies (boards or blogs)
3. Shopping (especially with other people's money, hee hee)
4. Reading (I'm working my way through the Harry Potter series)

4 Places I have lived:

1. Keizer, OR (our current house)
2. Salem, OR (Old house, various apartments, dorm, and sorority (ugh) during college)
3. Bellevue, WA (parents' house in middle school and high school)
4. Redomond, WA (parents' house in elementary school)

4 Favorite Foods:

1. Pizza
2. Perfectly BBQ'ed steaks
3. Salads with tons of veggies
4. Fudgecicles

4 Places I would rather be right now:

1. No where: I'm finally in my own bed after being away for two weeks.
2. Maui
3. back at Black Butte, but in our own house and with J's family
4. Again, happy to be in my won bed!

4 Websites I check daily:

1. BBC
2. blogs
3. Newspapers (I read two on line because our local paper is awful!)
4. not daily, but weekly: job postings in our school district

4 People I tag:

1. Angela
2. Rachel
3. Laura
4. Deanne


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