Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thanks for the support

Thank you to everyone that commented her, email, and on the bbc board.

I'm doing MUCH better now!

Jeremy and I woke up before Kara did on Saturday and we got to cuddle and talk for a while. He was actually the one that brought it up and wanted to know if I felt like I was getting enough time for me and what we could do to make sure I got more time if needed it.

So, we've decided that J will put Jana down most nights and if we haven't cleaned the kitchen by then, that is what I will do so I can relax with J when both girls are in bed.

The other huge source of my stress is making progress. After much discussion, we decided we'd try to let Kara cry a bit more (I'm so quick to go in to her) and see what happens. So on Friday night, she cried at 12. I went in, gave the the binkie, reswaddled, and gave her a kiss... and left. We closed our door and turned down the monitor. Unfortunately I was so exhausted that I fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up probably about 15-20 minutes later and she was quiet and sound asleep. She woke up 2. I went in and she was yelling, but eyes closed, so I just left her (thinking she might not even be awake because Jana used to do that). Within 10 minutes she was quiet and back asleep. When she woke at 4, I fed her because that is the time I've been feeding her the most. Last night, she woke at 12 and I reswaddled, gave her a binkie, and left - silence! And then I didn't hear from her until 4:45. Please think good thoughts for us that maybe we're heading into the right direction.

The other good thing is that J and I feel a little renewed by our increased communication. We've always done pretty well, but it certainly feels good to talk like that.


Blogger Jess said...

WTG, Lindsay! I hope Kara's progress in night sleep is a sign of things to come. I know how tired you are, I really know. ((HUGS))

If Bob is in town then he almost always does Ella's bath. He actually gets into the big whirlpool tub in the master with her and they play and have a grand time. It is SO nice to have that half hour to hour to myself to clean up in peace, read a magazine, whatever before I go up to do the rest of the bedtime routine. Even better it gives them a chance for one on one time. I think having Jeremy do the bedtime will be great for everyone in the family- everyone benefits. :-)

Jeremy sounds like such a great guy- glad you get so much support from him.

10:28 PM  
Blogger S said...

I am glad you and J had time to talk! Sometimes in our daily life we get too busy and forget that besides being mom and dad, we are husband and wife too!

Good luck with Kara! I was always too quick to go into Adam too! I found if I just left him for a couple of minutes he would almost always soothe himself back so sleep. Please remind me to do this when I'm complaining about baby number 2!

3:59 PM  
Blogger Rhonda said...

WTG Kara!! I hope things continue to go well!!!! And WTG J for asking if you needed more time for yourself! Communication is the one thing that you definitely need to have to keep yourself sane and on the right track. It sounds like things are going to be much better!!!

11:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am so happy to read about both things! :)

12:33 PM  

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