Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

A plea for advice from a tired Mama!

I'm at a loss.

Kara is almost 16 weeks and not getting any close to sleeping through the night. I'm starting to get very frustrated (and in turn frustrated with myself for getting frustrated).

Kara will go for a week with consistently waking at 4 am, then have a few nights of waking every two hours at night. They can't all be growth spurts :-)!

With Jana we followed "Babywise" (without the cry it out, because we didn't have to). She was sleeping through the night at 12 weeks. With Kara we haven't been so good with emphasizing the cyclical patter (eat, awake time, nap) because, well, it sounds awful, but it was easier to let her fall asleep when she wanted so I could deal with Jana. For about a week now, I've been really focusing on the pattern, so she gets 3 or 4 naps a day for about 3 1/2 hours of sleep during the day and then sleeps from 8 pm to 4 am, 4:15 am to 7:30.

Part of the issue is that, well to be crude, when she cries at night, I sleep walk into her room and stick a boob in her. It's quick, it works, and it's fast; however, now I've gotten that little tummy use to eating in the middle of the night. So, I've been trying to slowly shorten the feedings so her tummy can adjust and I'm not torturing the poor kid.

I have a hard time with the concept of crying it out at this age. Kara's only 3 1/2 months old. She cries for a reason - most of the time, it's a good reason. The issue we're having is that at night, when she cries, it's the "I'm fussy" cry, not the "I'm hungry," "I hurt," or even the "I need to be held" cry. When she's fussing there are only two things that will get her to stop: 1) play with her (sorry, not going to happen at 11 pm, 2 am, 4 am) and 2) nursing. I don't want to solve all of her issues with sticking a boob in her. I'd really like her to learn how to self-sooth. So she cries at night and the only way I can get her to stop is to feed her. I could let her cry, but I don't want her to wake up Jana who is in the next room.

On one hand, I feel like it's my fault that Kara isn't sleeping through because I haven't taught her how to. I know she has a different temperament than Jana, so I shouldn't compare them. And on the other hand, Kara is skinnier than Jana was at this age, so maybe that's it (however, she's not a little girl).

So I feel stuck. Our house is a 2-story, so it's big enough, but has a small footprint (if that makes any sense). There really isn't a place in the house where she could cry without waking everyone. But, if she can't learn to self-sooth, she'll never consistently sleep through the night.

I'm exhausted to say the least. I don't know how to help her. I'm seriously considering putting her in the office (farthest room from Jana's) and trying to let her fuss it out more, but that will keep J up and he has to work.

I know part of the issue is that I am getting up at 5:20 to work out in the mornings and the other part is that I can't seem to go to get to bed before 10:30 or 11. (or midnight on a bad day). If I give up running in the mornings, there isn't any time to do it at another time during the day, so I won't be exercising. I've lost 19 lbs and have 25 more to go. I need to lose the weight, so quitting exercising is not an option.

Any and all suggestions or opinions would be fabulous.



Blogger Rhonda said...


I have to say that all children are different, as you pointed out. My second did not start sleeping through the night at the same time as the other, and we did everything the same. I was never a cry it out person. It they were even just fussy, I was up and with them. I didn't always feed, I would rock, re-swaddle, sing, ect. I didn't play with them and only fed them if the cry was a hungry cry. I was extremely tired with the second, even after he did start sleeping through. I gave up the exercise and I would not suggest it! It has been very hard to get restarted. I think I am finally getting back into it on a schedule now and Litle Z is 2 1/2!

Try to find something else that will soothe her taht is not eating. Does she take a paci? I know I gave in and used one with my little Z until about 6 months old because he just wanted to suck on something all the time! It was a big help at night when his cries were not hunger ones. It did not mess up our nursing at all.

I hope you can figure it out and that my ramblings here can somehow help! :) I wish you the best of luck!

7:33 AM  
Blogger Jess said...


Sorry I am seeing this so late.

First, it is really too early to let her cry. Aside from Ezzo and his Babywise books none of the other advocates of CIO recommend a parent trying it before 4 months of age. Actually some babies really do need nutrients at night prior to four months (and I would argue later than four months too). I think what is most important to remember is that all children aren't going to follow the same pattern for milestones, sleep included. Kara is making a really good sleep stretch at night- I know you are SO tired, I really know and that adds to the frustration.

Second, I would urge you to read the AAP's commentary about Babywise. There are other routine based baby plans out there that are gentler and not as risky- Baby Whisperer is a good one.

Third, I know it is the unpopular view but I don't think you are doing anything wrong by parening Kara back to sleep with the help of the breast. Follow your instincts on this one, I guess. There is so much emphasis in our culture to get babies to be indepent so early and I'm not sure that we are really designed to be independent by the magical age of 4 months. I desperately wanted to sleep, I desperately wanted Ella to sleep but forcing the issue with denying the breast or long bouts of crying just feel so intuitively wrong for the both of us that I couldn't do it. I understand different strokes for different folks, but just don't be hard on yourself for making night time parenting choices that are working to help her get back to sleep right now.

Last, when I went through so much sleep deprivation with Ella I was always trying to figure out what I was doing wrong rather than just accepting that she wasn't ready to sleep through. I think I would have saved myself loads of misery if I had let go of the "ideal" parenting that I was trying to force and just embraced doing what worked. I can say in all honesty that once she got the hang of sleep she is fantastic at it. She gave up her nap but she sleeps 13-14 solid hours at night now and puts herself to sleep. It was a damn long road, but we made- and you and Kara will too!



11:11 PM  

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