Just Call Me Mama

Welcome to my blog and the inner-workings of my brain. This is my method of coping with my life: the losses, the joys and my struggle back to being a writer. You'll find my most private thoughts as well as my most recent attempts at writing again. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My lurking shadow

Everyone has secrets or memories that haunt them on occasion. Some secrets involve wild behaviors that we’re ashamed of. Others are memories of moments of cruelty against us. These shadows are always present, but not always noticed. Dark dismal days hide the shadows in the dreary grey. Bright, warm days hide the shadows from view as the sun shines clearly overhead. But when the sun slips toward the horizon, the shadows creep from under foot and sulk behind each stride. It is in those brief moments that we are reminded of and recognize those secrets.

The most dangerous secrets are those that are not in the past. No matter how fast or far I run, my shadow paces my ever step. Sometimes my shadow is so long and thin, I don’t notice it unless it catches my eye. Other times, it’s so heavy and thick I feel it stalk my every step.

I have realized why my temps have been so erratic. My haunting shadow is back.

Long ago I was convinced that I only had a problem because of my weight. When it started, I told myself that if I was skinny, there’s no way I’d have this eating disorder. (there I used the words). Six months, 40 lbs later and becoming size 2, I couldn’t stop. Years later, the possibility of losing the love of my life was what made me snap out of it.

However, here I am at 28, 12 years after the onset of this issue, and I’m still struggling. It’s 40% about the weight, 60% about the lack of control.

I feel so overwhelmed by life right now. I hate my job and not feeling any control in finding an out. I feel so disconnected from dh. My self-confidence is so low and I’m so uncomfortable in my own skin. I am under such a heavy and thick cloud; I cannot navigate out.

I know this will pass, but for the first time in 9 years, I’m not sure I have more control over it than it has over me. I saw the beginning of the emotional ramifications for the first time today. I burst into tears while talking to a friend at work. When asked what happened, I couldn’t give her an answer.

I’m debating calling my NP who said she had the name of a great counselor for eating disorders. I don’t know how I could explain it away to dh. Things are so off right now as it is, I don’t know how he would react to know that it’s back.

God, please help me find the strength to conquer my shadows.


Blogger S said...


oh sweetie! My heart is breaking for you! Please please PLEASE talk to Jeremy about this and arrange to see a professional. I bet you feel like your life is spinning out of control. You need Jeremy right now, you need to have support and love. I can only send so much through this post, but know that I am praying for you! If there is anything I can do, you know you can count on me! If need be, I will arrange a trip to come down there....let me know, okay? Again, PLEASE talk to Jeremy and know you are not alone in this world!

Love ya!


8:25 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Lindsay-please seek help for this problem before it becomes a much bigger issue. Your husband loves you no matter what, and you need his support and love to help you through this battle. Please talk to him and allow him to give you support, understanding, and comfort. I'm thinking of you and sending you huge hugs.

7:15 AM  
Blogger jude said...

Lindsay - Please seek some help. I know how eating disorders can effect your life and it is not an easy road. I am still coping with mine although not as severe as yours. We all have dark shadows in our closet. Some more intense than others.
I do think that you should talk to Jeremy about this. If he loves you that much he will help you through this. Believe me. The more people in your court the better.
I hope the sun shines on you soon

8:15 AM  

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